So what is your WHY? WHY on earth do you want to be an entrepreneur?

“You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don’t make money your goal. Instead pursue the things you love doing, and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off of you.” -- Maya Angelou

When we start out as entrepreneurs and business owners, it's usually because we have an idea or a product that we feel like we will absolutely burst if we don't get it out there. Or sometimes we just want the freedom to chart our own path or teach others what we know. And some, some think they want to be an entrepreneur because of the dollar, dollar bills. But Maya Angelou and so many brilliant people before us got it right, money cannot be your goal. 

For me, real estate ignites my soul and invigorates my daily life. I have created multiple layers of business that work with each other. I have a passion for all things real estate and it shows. The great thing about passion is that it's infectious. If your audience knows that...

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Goal Crusher: How to Set Goals Moving Backwards.

sarah strauss Jul 08, 2018

In the eyes of many I work far too much. But for me, I truly love what I do and I have extreme value for what it provides me. I have the ability to work wherever I need, whether the beaches of South Africa or at home cuddled in bed with a sick kid that may be home from school. I have a true ‘work hard, play harder’ mentality.

All of what has come to me has not come by luck or chance. I am a bad ass goal setter and goal achiever. My year, months and weeks are diligently planned and aligned for maximum success. Do I fail sometimes? Hell yeah! But do I mostly crush my goals? You betcha! With over a decade of being a BOSS I have developed a tried and true system for goal setting and habit mastery.

Some people struggle with even trying to set a goal, while most get road-blocked with the ‘how to’ of goal crushing. I’m here to switch that for you. My course “Reaching your goal; moving backwards” is available for purchase at B.O.S.S. Collective....

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Four Reasons to Run a Side Hustle

Whenever I hear the word "hustle" or "hustler" I think of dirty magazines. Not such a great connotation for a name I get called weekly. But people don't mean it in a bad way, they are actually just referring to the fact that I have a lot of things going on - aka, the side hustles. 

I have actually turned in multiple areas in my real estate career into various "side hustles" to combine into my regular "work." 

I hold down a regular (amazing) consulting gig, run three companies, sit on two real estate related Boards, own a portfolio of rental properties and have a pretty amazing family life. How, may you ask, do I hold down on all the hustles? You know the saying, "Do what you love, and you’ll never work another day in your life," well that's me. I freaking love all things real estate. 

ANNNNNDDDD (please note the caps lettering here), I have designed my hustles to work around each other. For my consulting gig, which is a large portion of my income,...

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3 Ways to Earn Money Working Smarter, Not Harder

Hey you! Have you ever felt like there wasn’t enough time to do everything in your business you really want?

Maybe you feel like there just aren’t enough hours in the day, you’re missing out on too many fun activities cause you’re in the trenches of entrepreneurship, or you’re working too much and not earning enough for the hours committed?

I hear ya! So many new & long term business owners can relate to this struggle.

Making money is a key driver for business owners but rarely do we stop and evaluate our business to see HOW we can be creating efficiencies, dedicating our time to the right areas and building our vision. A vision that aligns with money making activities.

Today’s post focuses on the practical side of money generation, three ways you can earn more while working less: 

Let’s dive in… 

  1. Evaluate Your Daily Task list:

 Sounds easy enough right?  Take a good honest look at your daily to-do...

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Photography for your Social Media

Looking for a community of like-minded individuals?  The B.O.S.S. Collective is full of constant inspiration driven by those continually looking to elevate their lives.  As an on-line business and personal development group, we have themed weekly conversations, courses, webinars, and how-to’s. We are here to help you with all things business and all things growth.

As the Media B.O.S.S. I’m here to encourage your growth in all things creative. With a solid background in graphic arts, photography and design, I’m ready to help you explore your creative side. I’ll be offering courses in social media, marketing, simplifying design, encouraging creativity, understanding photography for your business, and many more.

The course, “Elevate Your Photography” is now available for purchase. This class offers a hands- on approach to using your own phone or camera to create unique images for your social media. With modules on lighting, composition,...

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Eye on the Prize: Cashflow Projection for your Airbnb

airbnb michelle pink May 05, 2018

Airbnb is this shiny “it girl” for a quick start-up business. People with previously no real estate experience are diving head first into this head first as a way to earn extra income. Some of us, like my family, have made in the six digits with our two-bedroom flat with only a kitchenette, an amazing location, and a whole lotta work over the last few years.

Despite owning 9 properties, we actually only run an Airbnb in our own home. Could we make more money in our other homes if we Airbnb’d them. Probably. Then why don’t we? Airbnb is a lot of work to do it right – guest turn overs, cleaning, quality checking the space, making sure tenants are respectful and genrally keeping an eye on every tiny detail. We feel, at this point in our life, we can only be the best hosts by being attached to our Airbnb. This isn’t the case for all people, but our motivation is not only monetary. We are in LOVE with meeting people from all over the world,...

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Welcome to the B.O.S.S. Collective


Welcome to the B.O.S.S. Collective. This is the place to build on your self success. It’s a place to develop growth strategies for your business, your career and within your personal life. It’s a place to come together with other like-minded people to achieve your goals and navigate your path from dream to reality.


With 40 combined years in real-life business experience, the women behind B.O.S.S. are constantly reminded that we are stronger together. We are teammates in the game of life- helping each other reach goals, holding each other accountable and sharing practical advice in the journey towards success.  The B.O.S.S. Collective is here to provide you with your own team - a support group of masterminds ready to enhance your business, your career or even achieve personal goals you’ve wanted to crush for years.  This is a group of Masterminds you can join to become better together. We are here to help you through workshops, webinars, courses and...

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